Every day is Earth Day

On April 22 every year for the past 48 years, Americans celebrate Earth Day. For many, the day set aside in 1970 signifies the birth of the environmental movement.

Cooperatives understand that celebrating our environment isn’t just a one-day thing. As a cooperative, Southeastern Indiana REMC puts the needs of members first, improving the quality of life, strengthening our local economy and protecting our environment. For us, and our members, every day is Earth Day.

Here’s how you can celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and every day.

  • Get your hands dirty: Plant a tree or shrub, but make sure it’s in the right spot and won’t grow into power lines. Before you plant, call 811 to make sure your utilities are marked.
  • Take a hike or ride a bike: Let nature be your guide and walk whenever you can instead of hopping into the car.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle: Recycling is a way of life for most of us. The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it. Look for new ways to reduce such as buying products with less packaging or foregoing plasticware. Did you know that Southeastern Indiana REMC has partnered with the Habitat Restore in Madison on an appliance recycling program? For more information, visit our website at https://seiremc.com/content/appliance-recycling-program and call 800-737-4111 to schedule your pick up today.
  • Change the lights: Consider switching to low energy LED light bulbs. Did you know that Southeastern Indiana REMC offers discounted pricing on LED bulbs and other energy-saving programs to help you save energy and lighten your electric bill? Call 800-737-4111 or visit our online lighting store at https://teamupmarketplace.com/master/southeasternindianaremc/ to find out more!
  • Go green: Pay your bills online and go paperless. Did you know you can pay your electric bill online through our SmartHub app? You can also utilize our automatic payment program and have your residential electric bill automatically deducted from your bank account or charged to your credit card. Call us for more details!  800-737-4111

Sources: NRECA, www.earthday.org, www.in.gov/dnr, https://www.epa.gov/recycle

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